Thursday, November 29, 2012

What's to come?

Lolly and Alexis will be back once again on Saturday. I can't wait to see what they get into this year! I have a few ideas but still need some so please share you ideas with me!

This is such a fun way to bring the magic of Christmas into our home. I love seeing the look of wonder on the girls' faces when they see what the elves have done the night before. It's something I cherish and I really hope that this won't be the last year of that magic for my oldest. She's 8 and still believes but I know that day is coming when she won't anymore. It's a sad thought but one that's out there. Each year more and more of her friends don't believe and it's harder to keep them quite. So I'm hoping this fun of the elves continues for many years to come even if my oldest knows it's Mommy and Daddy moving the elves.

Elfcapades Year 3

Last year our elves came back. The girls were so excited to see them. This year they started a new tradition and brought not only the ornaments, but the gingerbread house and a fun advent calendar.

They came bringing a My Little Pony advent calendar.

They were hiding amongst my Santa collection. This one took a while for my kids to find.

Took a pony ride.

They were hanging out in the fridge eating Santa Hats and drinking green milk.

They made snowmen out of marshmallows.

They'd gotten into some cupcakes I'd made for a Christmas party.

They brought books and started reading some of them.

They were hanging out in my Santa lantern.

They were cracking pecans with the nut cracker.

Brought a gingerbread house once again this year.

 They played with the My Little Ponies and blocks

They went camping in the American Girl tent.

Took a zip line ride from the kitchen down to the living room.

Made cookies.

Lolly was helping Alexis climb our giant wreath.

They brought cotton candy and played drums on the containers.

They played Racko.

 They missed out on Halloween and wanted to experience dressing up as ghosts.

Hung out on a skate.

They hid behind some snowmen.

The girls were sleeping together in one room so they blocked them in with crepe paper.

 They brought coloring books and colored (yep - a repeat from another year)

They brought ornaments once again. This year a monkey for the youngest and another ballerina for the oldest.

Alexis got stuck in Santa's cup and Lolly was trying to help her out.

Elfcapades Year 2

Our second year Lolly brought with him a friend. So now Lolly was my oldest's elf and the youngest got the new elf they named Alexis.

The first night they came and at the crackers, water and smarties our girls left out for them.

Lolly and Alexis wrote a note on the magna doodle.

Took a bath together in the Christmas balls.

They brought some "snow" to the south and sprayed the girls' mirror in their bathroom and all the windows in the house.

They slid down our banister on shoes.

Had slipper races around the living room.

Once again, they brought ornaments. This year my oldest got a ballerina and my youngest a castle since she got to see Cinderella's castle for the first time this year.

Lolly loved riding the rotating Christmas tree last year so they both took a ride this year.

They played Chutes and Ladders.

Brought some gingerbread men marshmallows.

Had fun with some stickers.

Hung out in the freezer.

Had movie night and brought a new Strawberry Shortcake movie.

Got into some mischief and drew on some of our family pictures.

Played scrabble and wrote some messages to the girls.

Alexis built a lego house around Lolly and trapped him.

They read a book about the true meaning of Christmas.

They made snow angels in packing peanuts.

Slid down my childhood sled.

Played dominos.

They brought a gingerbread house (a new tradition)

 They got in to the wrapping bows.

The used our family pictures to make us into elves on My girls LOVED this and still talk about it. They've even asked if they would do that again.

Went for a ride in a toy car.

Our first Year of Elfcapades

Our first year of having an elf, my oldest was five and my youngest was about 19 months. My oldest had heard about the elves at school from her friends and was wondering why an elf didn't come to her house too. So out to the store I went and found an elf so we could have some fun with one too. He comes on Dec. 1 every year (I only have enough imagination for 24 nights of fun).

My oldest named our elf Lolly the first day he came. She loved him right from the start. The first night he just sat on our fireplace.

Next night he played with the blocks.

He made cookies and wrote a note.

He reminded us what the reason for the season was a prayed to Jesus in one of our nativities.

He brought fixings for s'mores.

He read some books.

Our tree spins so he took a ride on the tree.

He was naughty and got into the candy box.

He had a snowball fight with a doll.

I decided that he was an ornament maker so he brought us our ornaments for the year. Every year I usually get the girls an ornament that tells a story of what they did that year or a special moment. My oldest started kindergarten and rode the bus for the first time so she got a bus and my youngest took her first plane ride so she got a plane.

He took a ride on a dog.

Lolly was swinging from the kitchen light.

Hanging out in the wreath.

He played cards with a chicken.

We'd taken him with us when we visited my parents and he wrote a note thanking us for the fun he had at their house.

He found the view master and had fun looking at that.

He took out some Christmas balls and wrote I Love You.

Played with puzzles.

He brought a coloring book and colored some pictures.

Lolly went fishing (this one is still one of my oldest's favorites).

One night he took all the ornaments off our advent calendar so we had to put them back on the tree. My oldest was NOT happy with this at all.

He took another ride atop our tree.

We were stretching it with this one. He built a tower with our canned goods.

The last night with us he made snowflakes and hung them from our beam in the kitchen.